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Estate Planning: 4 Steps to Protect Your Digital Assets
When it comes to estate management and planning, the assets that come to mind will most likely be tangible objects like money, properties,

3 Estate Planning Tips for the Sandwich Generation in Singapore
The Sandwich Generation refers to people who need to take care of and support both their parents and their own children. The trends

Bona Vacantia: Dying Without a Will or Next of Kin in Singapore
In Singapore, section 7 of the Intestate Succession Act is enforced to distribute the deceased’s estate to the surviving next of kin if

What To Do If You Cannot Find an Executor for Your Will?
What is an Executor of Will? You may be wondering: what does an executor of will do? An executor is a person who

What Does an Executor of Will Do?
You might be reading this article because you have just been appointed an executor of will or are looking to understand the duties

A Complete Guide to Estate Planning in Singapore
Many Singaporeans put off estate planning for much later in life for several reasons — some think that this endeavour is only for