Kith & Kin

Mental Capacity & Later Life Planning

mental incapacity lawyers

Our Specialist Mental Capacity Lawyers have Extensive Experience Advising Clients on the Mental Capacity Act

We understand how stressful the challenges associated with caring for a mentally incapacitated person can be, particularly where disputes about their best interests arise. Our goal is to support you as much as possible, providing you with tailored advice on your options and seeking to resolve any disputes as amicably and efficiently as possible.
couple discussing estate planning

Mental Incapacity Planning from S$2,500 nett.

To find out more, just drop us a message and we’ll be happy to help.

Lasting Power of Attorney

With a Lasting Power of Attorney, you can appoint a trusted individual to make decisions on your behalf, should you lose mental capacity.
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When you don’t make a Lasting Power of Attorney (LPA) and you lose the mental capacity to exercise your own autonomy over your personal welfare and/or property and affairs, the Mental Capacity Court will appoint a “Deputy” – a person authorised to step into your shoes and represent you to manage your personal welfare and/or property and affairs.

Statutory Wills

A Statutory Will is a will authorised by the Mental Capacity Court in Singapore on behalf of a person who does not have the capacity to make their own will. If you think your loved one is losing (or has lost) capacity, there are ways to carry out estate planning and protect them from the risk of abuse.
lady justice statue in a probate law firm

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