Kith & Kin

Lasting Power of Attorney

Hassle-free from start to end: We complete and register your LPA on your behalf with reliable expert advice. To find out more, drop us a message and we’ll be happy to help.

hand of an old man with a lasting power of attorney

Lasting Power of Attorney in Singapore

The most basic definition of mental incapacity is the inability to make a decision for one’s self. This is further characterized by the law as the lack of the ability to:

  • understand the information relevant to the decision;
  • retain that information;
    use or weigh that information as part of the process of making the decision; or
  • communicate his decision (whether by talking, using sign language or any other means).

Why Choose Us

We have more than 1,500 basic and complex LPAs successfully registered with OPG.

Why Do You Need a Lasting Power of Attorney?

In Singapore, the Mental Capacity Act allows a person to make a Lasting Power of Attorney (LPA), wherein they appoint another person (donee) to make decisions on their behalf, should they find themselves suffering from impaired minds or from disturbances in the functions of the brain. If you prefer that decisions pertaining to your personal welfare, property and financial affairs are handled by a specific person, it would be best to draft an LPA.

What You Need to Know About LPA in Singapore

What Is The Difference Between Power of Attorney and Lasting Power of Attorney?

Both an LPA and a Power of Attorney (POA) are documents that allow you to appoint someone else to act on your behalf. However, an LPA only takes effect when you lose mental capacity, while a POA can be used in various types of scenarios.

When Is a Person Considered to Be Under Mental Incapacity?

The most basic definition of mental incapacity is the inability to make a decision for one’s self. This is further characterized by the law as the lack of the ability to:

  • understand the information relevant to the decision;
  • retain that information;
  • use or weigh that information as part of the process of making the decision; or
  • communicate their decision (whether by talking, using sign language or any other means).

Who Should I Choose As My Donee?

The mental capacity law requires your donee to be at least 21 years of age, not bankrupt, and of sound mind. You can choose to have more than one donee and specify whether they should act jointly (together) or jointly and severally (either together or separately).

Should You Hire a Lawyer to Draft Your LPA?

The Office of the Public Guardian (OPG) provides a standard Lasting Power of Attorney Singapore Form 1 on their website that you can use, but should you want to customise the powers to be granted to your donee, you will need the assistance of a lawyer.

Here at Kith & Kin Law we offer transparent fees and our LPA drafting fees start from S$250 for Form 1 and S$1,000 for Form 2 (prices include registration fees).

How We Make an LPA For You

Everyone has their own unique legacy they wish to leave behind. Through our purpose-driven ethos, we will help you craft out a personalised plan on how you wish to incorporate your legacy plan with your estate plan.

Frequently Asked Questions

You can grant powers regarding your Personal Welfare, or Property and Affairs, or both.
There are 3 groups of professionals who can issue an LPA certificate: accredited medical practitioners, lawyers, and psychiatrists.

Provided that you are still in good mental capacity, you will need to submit a revocation form, along with other requirements to the Office of the Public Guardian.

Schedule an appointment with us today.