Can I change a will without the executor knowing?

The executor plays a vital role in carrying out the terms on your will. Learn why it is necessary to provide information on changes to the executor of will.
How to write a will: Checklist of what you should include in your will

Make sure you include all necessary information and accomplish all requirements for your will to be valid. Learn how to write a will through this checklist.
How do I change or revoke a will?

Do you need to make changes to your will? Find out two ways on how to update your will to keep up with your changing needs.
When should I update my will?

With the changes in your life, how do you write a will and testament that reflect your most current intentions? Is it time to update your will?
When can you contest a will?

There are cases wherein a loved one’s will may not reflect their true wishes. Discover when can a will be contested and what you can do to contest a will.
How to update your estate plans after a divorce

If you have recently divorced, your estate plan may need an update. Understand the estate planning process and the changes you have to make after a divorce.
What happens to my CPF money after my death?

Make sure your CPF money goes to your intended beneficiary upon your death. Find out where does CPF money go after death and the benefits of estate planning.